Steve Moritz

Steve Moritz
Steve Moritz is the Founder, President & CEO of Encentiv Energy and is leading the company on a mission to make the world more energy efficient through technology, both for the planet and the people living on it. Encentiv Energy created Encentivizer - the industry's leading customer engagement platform which connects qualified products and utility program data to make the utility process a lot simpler.
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Navigating the Complex World of Utility Rebates

Steve Moritz | Dec 4, '19

Utility rebates can make a big difference in the ultimate ROI your customers get from any retrofit project. But utility rebate programs can get complicated quickly, and your ability to help your customers capture these savings depends on your ability to navigate the rebate landscape with skill and expertise.

Given that there are nearly 3,000 different programs offered across the country by various state/local governments and utility boards, building expertise with rebates is no small feat!

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