Digitalization: Your Shield Against Rising Labor Costs in Energy Retrofit Projects

Jeff Seifert | Aug 19, '24


In today's economic landscape, the energy efficiency sector faces a significant challenge: the rising cost of labor. According to NECA, the average hourly wage for an electrician in the U.S. increased by approximately 3-4% annually between 2019 and 2023. In 2019, the average hourly rate was around $28.50, which increased to approximately $32.50 by 2023.

This inflationary pressure is squeezing profit margins and potentially slowing the adoption of crucial energy-saving initiatives. This challenge has also led to significant project delays (due to lack of available auditors and installers) and sacrifices in project quality.

Businesses involved in energy retrofit projects face mounting pressure to maximize their own efficiency and cost-effectiveness. There is, however, a silver lining for forward-thinking companies - digitalization offers a powerful solution to not just weather this storm, but to thrive in it.

The Impact of Rising Labor Costs

Let's face it: skilled workers are becoming more expensive. For energy retrofit projects, this means higher costs for audits, solution specification, installation, project management, and an overall increase to your company’s overhead. These increased expenses can make otherwise attractive energy-saving projects seem less financially viable, potentially stalling progress in collective efforts to reduce energy consumption and combat climate change.

Higher wages mean that every hour of labor becomes more expensive, making it crucial to streamline processes and enhance productivity.

The Importance of Accuracy

The complexity of energy retrofit projects—from initial audits to project mobilization and completion—requires precise coordination, accurate transfer of information and efficient resource allocation to further protect productivity and avoid cost overruns.

Digitalization as the Antidote

This is where digitalization steps in as a game-changer. By leveraging software solutions and automation, companies can significantly boost worker productivity without increasing labor costs. Here's how:

  1. Streamlined Audits: Digital tools can automate much of the data collection and analysis process, allowing auditors to assess more buildings in less time. The right digital tool will also increase the quality and accuracy of your audits with the elimination of manual processes. 
  2. Intelligent Solutioning: Software can quickly optimize retrofit recommendations based on past solutioning experience and expedite the rendering of a comprehensive savings analysis, reducing the need for time-consuming manual calculations and estimating
  3. Efficient Project Management: Digital platforms can automate scheduling, resource allocation, and progress tracking, minimizing administrative overhead.
  4. Enhanced Worker Productivity: With the right digital tools, workers can complete tasks faster and more accurately, effectively doubling their output without requiring additional compensation.

The ROI of Digitization

While implementing digital solutions does require an upfront investment, the return on investment can be transformative:

  • Reduced Labor Costs: By increasing worker productivity, you can complete more projects with the same workforce, effectively lowering your per-project labor costs.
  • Improved Accuracy: Digital tools minimize human error, reducing costly mistakes (material or labor) and rework.
  • Faster Project Completion: Streamlined processes mean quicker turnaround times, allowing you to take on more projects
  • Enhanced Competitiveness: With lower operating costs, you can offer more competitive pricing without sacrificing profit margins.
  • Larger Project Pipeline: With faster audit and proposal turnaround times, you can quote more projects and grow your project pipeline.
  • Higher client satisfaction: A seamless project experience delights clients leading to repeat business and referrals to new customers and opportunities.

While digital transformation is expanding in the electrical industry, it still lags behind other industries. However, leading platforms with accelerated on-boarding approaches are producing new “super contractors” who are taking on more work with relatively lean staffs.

How leveraging SnapCount can help you stay ahead of the game

SnapCount is the leading digital platform in the retrofit industry having been used in over 350,000 projects (and growing). The SnapCount team is well experienced in turning energy efficiency dreams into reality through its comprehensive software and business expertise.

To learn how SnapCount can help you maximize your efficiency and business growth and get the highest return on your labor investment, click here to set up a conversation with one of our platform experts.


As labor costs continue to rise, companies that embrace digitalization will find themselves at a significant advantage. By leveraging technology to boost productivity and efficiency, these forward-thinking businesses can not only weather the storm of inflation but position themselves as leaders in the energy efficiency sector.

The message is clear: don't let rising labor costs derail your energy retrofit projects. Invest in digitization now to ensure your company remains competitive, profitable, and at the forefront of the drive towards a more energy-efficient future.

Jeff Seifert

Written by Jeff Seifert

Jeff is passionate about helping lighting and energy retrofit organizations accelerate and optimize their operations. Jeff is responsible for the sales, marketing and business development activities of StreamLinx, including client engagement, assessments and deployment initiation. Jeff’s background includes 27 years in software, process automation and consulting. During his career, he has helped companies large and small optimize their performance by leveraging digital methods, advanced analytics and business process automation.

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