SnapCount Best Practices for Power Users

Christine Mallula | Sep 26, '22

SnapCount Best Practices for Power Users

You already know SnapCount is the best available lighting and energy retrofit software, and you’ve begun using it to audit, propose, and implement retrofit projects far more efficiently.

The question is: How can you keep moving in the direction of even more cost-effectiveness?

One way is to refine your day-to-day use of SnapCount by progressively implementing some of the best practices identified by the SnapCount Customer Success team, as well as those employed by power users across North America. With many of these users reporting productivity gains of up to 70%, we’re excited to share these ideas with you to help you become even better.

If you’re ready to level up your SnapCount, here’s where to start.

Be Smart About Being Mobile

When you’re deep in the interior of an industrial facility or working from a remote location, the lack of internet connectivity can lead to headaches from your energy audit software.

That’s why SnapCount was designed with real-world applications in mind. Before you arrive on-site, simply log in to the app to sync to the cloud. From that point on you won’t need to be connected to the internet to use the app in the field. Then, once you’re back online, you can sync the app again to back up your data.

An App Built for the Way That You Work

Saving time means saving money during an audit, and SnapCount helps you save both. With 360-degree camera integration, SnapCount allows you to easily capture images and room layouts, reducing the need for return visits. For easy set up and transport, the camera can also be securely placed on a tripod.

The new mobile search function also makes it easy to search for fixtures and rooms without scrolling through every audited area. You can double-check your work or apply corrections without wasting any valuable time.

Finally, if you’re thinking about expanding your business to include electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), SnapCount can help with that too. As part of your auditing process, the app can help you gather information about the facility as well as the electrical needs for installing new charging stations. It’s a simple addition your customers are sure to appreciate.

Bring a Juice Pack

You don’t necessarily need to be connected to Wi-Fi or your cellular data when on-site to do productive work… but you do need a working device.

SnapCount users tend to use their devices heavily all day long. Keeping your device active for hours at a time can quickly drain the battery. While tricks like switching over to “airplane mode” can help you save some juice, it’s still wise to take extra precautions.

For best results, we recommend bringing a spare power bank or two that allows you to recharge your mobile devices on the go. These power banks are inexpensive, compact, reliable and can be sourced at just about any retailer that sells electronics.

Use the System, Not a Spreadsheet

Want to save money? Eliminate your inefficiencies. Instead of taking the time to export audit data from the mobile app to a spreadsheet, just keep the data in SnapCount. From site audit through project implementation, you can do everything in the app. And keeping your data in one central place helps eliminate mistakes.

With SnapCount you can create pages for the audit, solutions and job, and choose your views of each column to find and filter your data. If fixture height, switching, or controls are important parts of your project development, you can also view those factors right there on the screen.

SnapCount puts the information you need right at your fingertips, all while preventing errors and improving efficiency. Even if customer requirements change, when you keep your data within the app’s ecosystem you can adapt quickly without losing momentum.

Know Your (Workflow) Status

The best way for new users to track the status of their project is to use the workflow status feature. For example, moving the SnapCount workflow from proposed to won, when an opportunity has been closed-won.  

Data is priceless in this digital age. And keeping data up to date is paramount if you hope to turn it into useful information. After all, if your sales pipeline data is outdated, how can you make informed decisions or provide accurate reporting to management?

Using this feature well — and easily — is important, so SnapCount provides a single cohesive view of your project status from audit to quote and beyond. A status ribbon across the top of each page helps keep that information top of mind even while you use other tools.

SnapCount Status Screen

This can be especially helpful for lengthy sales cycles like energy retrofits. For projects like these, where it could take months if not years to close-win a bid, good documentation and proper workflow status management enables you to quickly understand the status of the proposal, review your notes and comments, and pick right back up again without having to backtrack and gather all the breadcrumbs. It’s the best way to efficiently navigate long sales cycles.

Leverage the SnapCount Customer Success Team

The SnapCount product is the market leader in the value it brings to the marketplace, but the added bonus of your subscription is having the SnapCount team at hand.

Our Customer Success team continuously provides world-class support to the user base through phone calls, emails and communication through the support portal. Along with day-to-day support, the Customer Success team conducts weekly free training, product notifications, new feature webinars and more, all with the intent to make sure your SnapCount experience is second to none.

The whole point of these webinars, blogs, and release notes is to help you become more knowledgeable, efficient and profitable. So, it’s always a best practice to take advantage of that knowledge stream and attend these webinars, because there’s so much to learn about the product — and the more you learn about it, the more intuitive and powerful a tool it becomes.

Your Secret Weapon: Your SnapCount Account Manager

We also highly recommend staying in regular touch with your Account Manager (AM), even if you aren’t experiencing any challenges. This will give your AM an idea of the kind of specific work you’ll be doing, and they can keep an eye out for you for new features or workarounds we’re developing that might be particularly relevant or helpful for you.

Building a relationship with someone who not only understands your organization but also the broader industry can even help you make better decisions for your business. We want to know what you’re planning and where you’re going, or if there’s something specific that’s bothering you. More often than not, we’ll know about a resolution worked out by other users in similar situations, or we can share other resources that might be useful. We’re on your side, so always feel free to reach out to us.

Simply put, many of these SnapCount best practices come down to trust: trusting the solution, trusting your colleagues, and trusting the customer success team. We have been working together for years to make SnapCount the most reliable, efficient and effective lighting and energy retrofit software available, and we have the knowledge and features needed to make your team successful.

If you’re interested in taking your use of SnapCount to the next level, click here to contact a member of the SnapCount certification team

Download the Retrofit Energy Buying Guide

Christine Mallula

Written by Christine Mallula

Christine’s main objective is customer satisfaction. She administers support, provides training both online or onsite, conducts sales demos, tradeshows, and anything else needed to make customers happy. Christine brings with her a long history of customer relationship positions in a variety of roles. During free time you will find Christine running, walking, biking, or just chilling at home snuggled up with her cats and her iPad.

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